Crown Heights Brooklyn, New York the headquarters of Chabad Lubavitch is home to 770, and was where the Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson aka The Rebbe lived. The Rebbe was famous for giving away dollars every Sunday. If you waited in line long enough you could get a one dollar bill and a bracha from the Rebbe. The Rebbe did this because the Rebbe said that when two Jews meet they should do something good, therefor the Rebbe gave a dollar to the other person to give to charity. Most people found these dollars to be very cherish able, so they kept, and usually framed them, and gave a different dollar to charity. The Rebbe also sent emissaries of himself, or Shluchim to spread Yiddishkiete to every Jew. Shluchim usually still refer to Crown Heights as there home. That’s why Shluchim read COL, to stay up to date on there home.
This is ironic because typically the random activities of Shluchim are what is reported on COL. This is especially true around big holidays like Chanuka. I know that I personally didn’t find the 20 something articles on so and so’s Chanuka party, and how so and so made this kind of menorah, and so and so had a Chanuka car parade with so and so number of cars that interesting. Anybody agree?
It’s been a while sense we’ve been told to vote for a $500,000 give away. (Do you think we will ever forget the spam we received from the Kohl’s give away event?) Either way if you want to be kept up to date on the contest going on in the Jewish world look no farther then COL.
The Chabad movement receives much deserved donations for there work. The way they treat these donors is a little much in my opinion. But hey, if you need to know what’s happening with George Rohr, and Gennady Bogolubov to name a few, COL will fill that need.
One of the best things about COL is the live shows. What they do is broadcast large events like the Kinus, and the Lag Baomer parade. This feature allows Shluchim, and others who can’t make it to these big events to be able to watch them live. They also started a trend for streaming classes live online. It’s awesome. I give COL credit for pioneering this as I’ve been seeing more of this live streaming recently. Like I said it’s awesome. But do you think that streaming the shows and classes live are good or bad? Feel free to answer in the comment section below.
At the end of the day COL is human. COL tells 1000’s of Chabadnicks there news. They are a professional news site. So yes they will report unnecessary stuff at times. This stuff happens to be interesting. This stuff happens to keep readers coming back.
- So now I have a few questions for you
- Do you read COL? Why? If yes is it addicting?
- If you read COL or any similar news site do you find my Chanuka example to be true?
- Do you think news sites should publish unnecessary news? Why?
- What is your opinion on broadcasting live events on the Internet?
Please answer in the comment section. Thanks.
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